At Shantana, we operate two yards at our Springwood location, with pickups available from both during our standard opening hours. Please note that different products are stored in each yard, so if you’re ever uncertain about where to find something, feel free to contact our office for assistance. Alternatively, you can park at the bottom yard and walk up to the top yard.
To make your visit more convenient, if the product you're after is located in our bottom yard, we recommend parking along the curb in front of the top yard for easier access.
Below, you’ll find a guide to the usual locations of our products.
Top Yard
Main Office
20mm Aggregate/Blue Metal
Recycled Roadbase
Rotor Mill Roadbase
20 & 10mm Southern Peach Gravel
Crusher Dust
Metal Dust
Fine Euci Mulch
Bricks & Blocks
Bottom Yard
Soil Products
All Mulches (Except Fine Euci)
Concrete Mix
Decomposed Granite Gold & Red
Quarried Roadbase
10 & 20mm River Pebbles
Country Stone
10 & 20mm Crushed Terracotta
Please be aware we strictley adhere to legal limits of Vehicles and Trailers and will not over load you. If you require more than you vehicle or trailer can handle multiple trips will be required or you can book a delivery with us.
Please also note that the road out the front of our yard loops around so there is no need to turn around in the street.
We are unable to load product in the street so you will need to be inside one the 2 yards. Trailer access is available to both yards (you will require some basic experience to navigate) also rigid trucks are able to access both yards.